Location: India

Friday, April 08, 2016

D-Company - CSR Report

D-Company : Corporate Social Responsibility Report FY2016

We at D-Company consider all our activities are carried out with social responsibility in mind. Our activities are closely linked to the government policies, namely what is not allowed by the governments or highly regulated by the governments. Since independence, governments have attempted and succeeded in declaring illegal - most common activities of humans since time immemorial - prostitution, substance abuse and gambling. But, people will continue to do so, hence we target our CSR activities in these fields. Since, governments do not allow clean legitimate businesses carrying out these activities, as they do in other parts of the world, the only option remains is we criminals indulge in these activities, for the benefit of common people in India.

Prostitution itself is not illegal; commercial sex workers can solicit clients at their homes. But maintaining places for commercial sex workers is not allowed. So as our CSR activity, we maintain a network of pimps and brothels.This being our public service carried out in view of severe restrictions by the government, there are impediments for us and we cannot take care of cleanliness of brothels, health issues of prostitutes and clients, especially regarding sexually transmitted diseases.

We are awfully happy that after Gujarat, the government of Bihar is going to prohibit alcohol. It gives us great opportunity to serve the people of Bihar by providing spurious liquor at higher rates, and not allowing any revenue stream for the government. We are glad that herbal marijuana continues to be listed among the illegal drugs, in spite of it being non carcinogenic and with no health issues, unlike nicotine. This gives us opportunity to push for chemical narcotics, which are hard core and causes serious injuries, creating drug addicts.

Advanced countries have opened up gambling as legitimate recreational and business activity, thankfully it is not the case in India. Last few years have been good social service on the gambling front, with new avenues such as IPL, for which we opened new satta centers. We have also opened online gambling sites, which act as bookies, for benefit of our netizens. All these are not regulated and we do not give any taxes to the government.  

We still remember our golden days when we used to do smuggling of gold due to import restrictions by governments prior to 1991. Our chaps would smuggle gold in adventurous ways for benefit of our sisters requiring gold for marriages. By allowing common people to legally import gold stopped this CSR activity of ours.

We believe that the governments should continue its restrictions, not present in any civilised country, for us to continue our CSR activities. We would like to thank our government for continuing good policies.

Today's listening pleasure: Don McLean

Don McLean's American Pie is a long fabulous song with the most intriguing lyrics. Every line is simple but it's difficult to understand the references! And it feels like listening to an epic, not getting the story. Enjoy!


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